Connections are at the heart of effective listening and personal as well as professional growth. In this clip, international thought leader John Thompson examples some of the ways he empowers effective connections that transform.
Over four 90 minute + sessions at the Festival, John will guide people to find fresh and powerful ways in which they can attain, and thereafter sustain, these higher skills in transformational connections and interactions.
Ruby May will talk about Artificial Intimacy in Listening: in
this video they discuss cyclical living and connections. Ruby May is a remarkable speaker, listener, and motivator and her passion for the subject will inform both her Discourse on Tuesday and her Thursday morning Workshop. Ruby will also be present with us throughout the week. In this interview for the Adulting site, she discusses intimacy, ageing, and communication.
Friday sees an introduction to advanced skills in non violent communication. Some of the core elements start with many of the themes of the Festival including Vulnerable Honesty. We offer this link as a taster.
We will be exploring Listening to Crime and Restorative Justice on Friday of the Festival - for now: here is an inspiring project in the United States which gives a little insight.
The Society of Mediators (and the founders of this Festival) work with Khulisa Social Solutions in Africa to promote listening and the development of peaceful solutions. Learn more here ...
The Society of Mediators is a world leading charity based in London. Every year the Society trains and educations people around the world in mediation and effective listening skills. In the three clips linked below, our partner in the sprawling and crowded South African township of Alexandra - Khulisa Social Solutions - explains what we were doing there in Johannesburg in 2024.
* Day One of the Mediation Training
* Day Two of the Mediation Training
* Day Three of the Mediation Training
The Society of Mediators mediation education and training courses are run not-for-profit by the charity that works around the globe to promote effective conflict resolution through listening and mediation. It works with people from all backgrounds - you do not need to have any legal training - to make mediation work. In the clip, the Society shows its advanced training in London's legal district. Check out options to become amediator online, in London, (monthly) or Corfu (9-13 June or 27-31 October 2025).
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